そらあみSora-Ami: Knitting the Sky

瀬戸内国際芸術祭ほか/2011~継続中Setouchi Triennale and others/2011-ongoing

参加者と共に漁網を編み、空に掲げることで、人と人、海や島の記憶をつなぎ、網の目を通じて土地の風景をとらえ直すアートプロジェクト。空に立ち上げた〈そらあみ〉は、見慣れた風景の中に潜む記憶を浮き上がらせ、その土地に息づく見えない姿を気づかせてくれます。また、漁網の編み方は世界共通のため国内外各地に展開し、海のつながりを編み広げていっています。An art project to connect people, their memories of the sea and islands and to see the landscape in a new way by knitting fishing nets with participants and raising them into the sky. Looking through the fluttering Sora-ami net stirs up hidden memories from the familiar scenery and prompts us to notice that which normally goes unseen. Furthermore, as the way of knitting fishing nets is the same globally, Sora-ami knits a new connection between the seas each time it is exhibited throughout the world.

コミュニティをつなぐ所作Action to Connect Communities

岩手県釜石市の仮設住宅では東日本大震災の津波で流された漁網糸を使って編み、それぞれ別地区から入居し当時孤立していた人々に新たなつながりを生み出しました。In the temporary housing in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture, fishing nets carried away by the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake were used for this project. It helped the people who moved in from other areas and felt isolated from the new community make new relationships.

東京都台東区の浅草神社では社紋である三網紋をモチーフとして、氏子と観光客が一緒になって編み、飛鳥時代に遡る浅草の由来を現在進行形で表現しました。At Asakusa Shrine in Taito Ward, Tokyo, the parishioners and tourists knitted fishing nets together using Mitsuami-mon, the crest of Asakusa Shrine, as the motif. By doing so they brought the origins of Asakusa from the Asuka era into the present.

香川県坂出市の塩飽諸島では瀬戸大橋が架かったことで定期船がなくなり、関係が希薄になった5つの島の130人の漁師と編み、瀬戸内海で今も共に生きる絆を形にしました。In Shiwaku Islands in Sakaide City, Kahala Prefecture, 130 fishermen from five islands of Shiwaku Islands knitted a Sora-ami. There the relationship among island communities was growing weak without regular ferry service between the islands due to the Seto-Ohashi Bridge. By knitting they could affirm the strength of their bonds living together on the Seto Inland Sea.

宮城県塩竈市の浦戸諸島では東日本大震災の津波から湾を守った島々と、島に守られた湾と、それぞれに生きる人が共に編み、湾のむこうとこっちに暮らす人の視点がつながる場をつくりだしました。こうして、何も捕まえない漁網編みは「コミュニティをつなぐ所作」となり、海と時を超えて空を編んでいっています。On the Urato Islands in Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, a Sora-ami was knitted together by people living on the islands and people living around the bay. The islands had saved the bay from the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. This project created a space for people living in both areas to connect. Through this project, fishing nets that could no longer catch anything could connect communities and knit the sky beyond the sea and time.

