【釜石】Art Support Tohoku-Tokyo[Kamaishi] Art Support Tohoku-Tokyo

平田第6仮設団地(岩手)/2012Heita 6th Temporary Housing, Iwate, Japan/2012

東日本大震災で被災した岩手県釜石市の仮設住宅に約1ヶ月間滞在し、震災の津波で流された漁網糸を使って編み、それぞれ別地区から入居し当時孤立していた人々に新たなつながりを生み出しました。漁網編みの指導は、同じ仮設に住む、船を津波で流され当時漁に出られなかった漁師の方が率先してくれました。日増しに参加者は増え、対話はもちろん、語らずとも手を動かして共にいるだけで、互いを支え合う関係がゆるやかに育まれていきました。最終日には完成を祝って初めての交流会が開かれ、参加者はもちろん、同じ仮設に住む方々も訪れ皆で親睦を深めることができました。こうして、仮説住宅の空に掲げられた〈そらあみ〉は釜石の景色に溶け込みながらも薄っすらと見え、かすかに復興の第一歩がはじまったように感じられました。For about one month I stayed in the temporary housing in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture, which was affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and knitted Sora-ami with fishing nets carried away by the tsunami. This project helped build new relationships for people who moved in from other areas and felt isolated living in the new community.

A fisherman who also lived in this temporary housing had his fishing boat carried away by the tsunami and had no choice but to give up fishing. He took the lead in knitting the Sora-ami. As the number of participants increased day by day, they not only communicated with each other more but also got more deeply involved to support each other just by knitting and spending time together without using any words.

On the final day, we held a gathering to celebrate the completion of the project. Residents from temporary housing and other participants could join the gathering and deepen their friendship. In this way, Sora-ami displayed in the sky above the temporary housing seemed to blend with the landscape of Kamaishi. Ever so slightly I felt it was the first step toward recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

