【与島諸島】瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013[Yoshima Islands] Setouchi Triennale 2013

春:沙弥島 海水浴場(香川)/2013Spring: Shamijima, Swimming Beach, Kagawa, Japan/2013

高さ5メートル、幅60メートルにも及ぶ巨大な網を11本の支柱によって浜に設置。瀬戸大橋でつながる沙弥島や瀬居島、与島、岩黒島、櫃石島の5つの島に暮らす漁師や人々が協働した作品です。各島で開催された漁網を編むワークショップは、計24回を重ねました。各島でつくられた網は編み目が微妙に違います。それら5つの網が連結され、浜に翻る様は美しいものでしたが、それだけでなく、大橋で切られた海のつながりをそれぞれの住人にもたらしたようでした。漁網を編むことで、人と人をつなぎ、記憶をつなぎ、完成した網の目を通じて土地の風景をとらえ直すという目論みでした。One large Sora-ami net 5 meters tall and 60 meters wide was displayed on the beach supported by 11 poles. Fishermen and local residents living on the five islands, including Shamijima, Seijima, Yoshima, Iwakurojima and Hitsuishijima where the Great Seto Bridge crosses, knitted together the work.

This workshop was held 24 times in total. The mesh of the nets different slightly between the islands. It looked beautiful when these five nets were connected to each other and fluttered in the wind on the beach. Moreover, the local residents might have felt the connection among the islands even though the sea was cleaved by the Great Seto Bridge. This project aimed to connect people and their memories of place by knitting fishing nets and viewing the local landscapes through the nets.

