
レシフェ スアペビーチ(ペルナンブーコ)/2014Suape Beach, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil/2014

〈そらあみ〉初の海外展開。約2週間ブラジルの漁師の家に滞在し、漁を手伝いながらプロジェクトを実施しました。言語や文化は違いましたが、漁網の編み方と道具は世界共通でした。生活を通じて知り合った漁師仲間や地域住民の手によって編まれた〈そらあみ〉は、ビーチに生えるヤシの木のあいだに設置。網の目が捉えた風景は、目の前に広がる美しい白砂のビーチと、はるか遠方の高度経済成長期を迎えた工場地帯の姿でした。海へ出て漁をし、浜に流れ着いたゴミを拾った漁師との日々は、美しい自然と環境破壊というバランスを暮らしの中で直接問われているようでした。網の編み方も一緒でしたが、世界中で同じような問題と向き合っているのだと実感しました。それでも、浜辺で拾ったゴミを再利用し別のものにつくり変え、お金に変えるあたりは、不平等な世界を自分なりに利用し楽しもうとするブラジル人らしさがありました。理不尽な世界と戦いながらも調和と自由を求め創造的に生きる彼らの姿に憧れを覚えました。The first time Sora-ami was displayed abroad. I stayed at a home of a Brazilian fisherman for about two weeks and proceeded with the project while helping with fishing. Although the language and culture there were different from mine, the fishing tools and the way of knitting fishing nets were the same throughout the world. We displayed the Sora-ami knitted by my fisherman friends, and local residents I met during my stay, between palm trees on the beach.

The scenery captured through the mesh of the net was a beautiful white sand beach spreading out before our eyes and also an industrial district from the high economic growth period in the far distance. The days spent going fishing with the fishermen by boat and picking up drifting debris made me think about the contradiction between the beauty of nature and the environmental destructiveness of daily life. I realized that not only the way of knitting the nets, but also the problems we face, are the same all over the world. Nevertheless, I found it was typically Brazilian that they try to utilize economic and social inequality and find enjoyment, for example in recycling the wastes picked at the beach, turning them into something to sell, and earning money with them. I admired them for living creatively and pursuing freedom and harmony while fighting the many injustices in the world.

