【多賀城】つながる湾プロジェクト[Tagajo] Tsunagaru Wan Project

多賀城政庁跡(宮城)/2015Site of Provincial Government Office, Miyagi, Japan/2015

“国境”を眺める蝦夷の人々の視点Viewing “the Border” From the Perspective of the Emishi People

大和朝廷の東北支配の拠点として設置された《国府多賀城》を舞台に、朝廷の権威の象徴であった多賀城と南北大路を、先住者である蝦夷の視点で見つめ直しました。多賀城市内で延べ200人が参加して編まれました。そらあみを編む糸は、事前リサーチを通じて、その土地で見つけた歴史・文化・人・地形などといった、新しい視点を色に置き換えて染められたものが使われます。多賀城政庁跡では、道/大路(きいろ)、土塁塀の漆喰(しろ)、建物の柱など(ベンガラ)、屋根の瓦(瓦色)、草原(きみどり)の5色の糸で編まれました。Long ago Kokufu-tagajo was the provincial headquarters of the Yamato Imperial Court from which they governed the Tohoku area. We reflected upon this headquarters in Tagajo City and the ancient Nanboku Oji highway, both symbols of the authority of the Imperial Court, from the viewpoint of the native people known as Emishi.

The Sora-ami was knitted by a total of 200 participants in Tagajo City. The threads were dyed with colors inspired by the local features such as history, culture, people and geographical features discovered through the research for this project. At the site of provincial government office in Tagajo, five colored threads were used for the project—yellow for the road, white for the plaster of earthen walls, red for the pillars of the building, gray for roof tiles and yellow-green for grasslands.

