【浦戸諸島】つながる湾プロジェクト[Urato Islands] Tsunagaru Wan Project

桂島・朴島(宮城)/2013Katsurashima Island・Houjima Island, Miyagi, Japan/2013

湾の上に暮らす人びとの視点Viewpoint From the People Living on the Bay

松島湾に点在する有人島《浦戸諸島》の4島5地区を舞台に、離島特有の時の流れと営みの中で島の人びとが見る風景を捉え直しました。東日本大震災の津波から湾を守った島々と、島々に守られた湾と、それぞれに生きる人が共に編み、湾のむこうとこっちに暮らす人の視点がつながる場をつくりだしました。そらあみを編む糸は、事前リサーチを通じて、その土地で見つけた歴史・文化・人・地形などといった、新しい視点を色に置き換えて染められたものが使われます。浦戸諸島では、菜の花(きいろ)、雲(しろ)、菜の花の茎(きみどり)、菜の花の種(茶ピンク)、空/海(そらいろ)の5色の糸で編まれました。In the five districts of the four inhabited “Urato Islands” dotting Matsushima Bay, we captured scenery typical of remote islands. It’s something the residents have seen for a long time and still see everyday. These islands had saved the bay from the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

This project created a space to bring people together from the islands and from the land around the bay. Sora-ami threads were dyed with colors inspired by the local features such as history, culture, people and geographical features, which were newly discovered through research for this project. In the Urato Islands, the following five colored threads were used—yellow for the rapeseed flowers, white for clouds, yellow-green for the stem of the rapeseed flowers, brownish pink for the seeds, and sky blue for the sky and the sea.

