【三宅島〈帰島式〉】三宅島大学プロジェクト[Miyakejima Island (Returning island ceremony)] Miyakejima University Project

三池港(東京)/2013Miike Port, Tokyo/2013

全国各地で編まれた網を集結させ1枚の大きな網として、高さ約6m×全長111mの〈そらあみ〉を編み上げました。そこには、各地で共に網を編んだ人も駆けつけ、網とともに人も海を超えてつながる機会となりました。三宅島を初めて訪れたのは2011年6月。この時、漁網編みの師匠となるベテラン漁師「じい」と出会います。全5日間の滞在期間、毎日船小屋へ通い「網の編み方」を学びました。ここで編み上げたのは、たった50㎝四方ほどの網でしたが、見た目の美しさはもちろん、「コミュニティをつなぐ所作」としての可能性を感じていました。三宅島で出会った漁網編みの技術はアートプロジェクト「そらあみ」へと昇華し、たった3年(2011-13)の間に全国9カ所で展開しました。人とのつながりだけでなく、日本古来の海洋文化とも深い関わりを持つこのプロジェクトは、その後、国内外へとさらに展開していっています。One large Sora-ami net about 6 meters tall and 111 meters long was knitted by gathering the Sora-ami nets from throughout Japan. Participants who had knitted nets in various places joined this project and it became an opportunity to connect not only the nets but also people from different seas.

I visited Miyakejima Island in June, 2011 for the first time. At that time, I met a veteran fisherman called “Jii,” who later became my master of knitting fishing nets. During my 5 day stay, I visited a boathouse every day and learned how to knit fishing nets. Although the net I could knit there was only about a 50 cm square, I believed in its potential to not only attract people with its beauty, but also to be a “way to connect communities.” The technique of knitting fishing nets I leaned in Miyakejima Island was sublimated into the art project Sora-ami and the project expanded to 9 places in Japan in just 3 years from 2011 through 2013. This project which is deeply concerned with not only the connections between people, but also between traditional Japanese maritime cultures, continues to expand at home and abroad.

