TURN in BRAZIL【糸=人】TURN in BRAZIL [Thread = Person]

パソ インペリアル(ブラジル)/2016Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/2016

異なる背景や習慣を持った様々な人々との出会い方、つながり方に創造性を携え働きかけていくアートプロジェクト「TURN」のブラジルでの展開。2016年、日本及びブラジルを拠点に活動するアーティストたちが伝統工芸を携えて、サンパウロに滞在しながら福祉施設に約1カ月間通い、その交流を通じて生まれた作品をリオデジャネイロ2016オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会時に現地で発表し、ワークショップ等を行いました。会場には、18日間の会期中に延べ4万人を超える来場者が訪れ、好評を博しました。In 2016, the art project TURN was held in Brazil. An aim of the project was to creatively bring people of different backgrounds and cultures together. Artists from Japan and Brazil, with knowledge of traditional handicraft techniques, visited welfare facilities while staying in São Paulo for a month. They created a body of work with the people at the facilities, which was exhibited in Rio de Janeiro throughout the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. The exhibition was held for 18 days alongside workshops and related events. It was well received with more than 40,000 visitors.

五十嵐靖晃×PIPA×江戸組紐Yasuaki Igarashi X PIPA X Edo Kumihimo

TURN in BRAZIL参加アーティストのひとりとして、日本で江戸組紐を学び、その技術を携えてサンパウロの自閉症児療育施設「PIPA」に滞在し、糸をとおして、自閉症の子どもたちと交流しました。糸での交流を経て、よりたくさんの人が関わる作品にするため、組紐を巨大化するアイデアを実現。糸は以前から交流のある東京都町田市の障害者施設「クラフト工房La Mano」とPIPAで藍染した木綿糸を使用し、サンパウロ滞在中にPIPAにて25mの糸を240本合わせた「玉」を8個制作。リオでは、両手にかけた綛糸を玉にする「糸巻き」と、「組み」の作業を体験してもらうワークショップを中心に展開しました。糸を巻く、組むといった伝統工芸の中にある素材と丁寧に向き合う所作が、障害や言語の壁を超える交流を生み出しました。As a participating artist of the TURN project in Brazil, I stayed at PIPA: a medical treatment and education facility for autistic children in São Paulo. Prior to my stay I had learned the art of traditional chord-braiding from the Tokyo region, known as “Edo Kumihimo.” Using the colorful thread as a way to connect without needing language, I interacted with autistic children at the facility. To include as many people as possible in the project I decided to make the braid thicker. In total we made eight large bundles created with 240 x 25-meter-long threads. The bundles were made using indigo-colored cotton thread which was dyed at PIPA, and from a prior project at “Handicraft Studio La Mano,” located in the small Japanese mountain village of Machida City.

Several thread-braiding and yarn-winding workshops were held in Rio de Janeiro. Using material from traditional handicrafts, participants were able to transcend the boundaries of language and disability to create artwork together.


