空の芸術祭/横浜若葉台団地(神奈川)/2011Art Festival of the Sky/Yokohama Wakabadai housing complex, Kanagawa, Japan/2011
集合住宅800世帯のベランダにワークショップで染めたカラーシーツを干してもらい、住民自らの手で新たな風景を作り上げるアートプロジェクト。「干す」という日常の行為を通じて普段見慣れた風景を非日常へと変化させることで、その土地の暮らしと風景、人々のつながりを見つめ直すきっかけとなりました。An art project to make new scenery by the inhabitants’ own hands by hanging colored sheets on the 800 verandas of a housing complex. The sheets were dyed by the residents themselves in a workshop. By changing the ordinary scenery into an extraordinary one through an action of daily life―“hanging the wash out to dry”― the participants could reconsider the life and scenery of this place and the connections among people living there.
住民自らの手で風景をつくりかえるChanging the Scenery with the Residents’ Own Hands
集合住宅の空室に約2カ月間滞在し、地元の方々と交流しながらプロジェクトを実施。はじめに800世帯のベランダに囲まれた中央広場でシーツを染めるワークショップを行いました。住民は自ら染めたシーツを持ち帰り自宅ベランダに干します。For this project, I stayed in a vacant room of a housing complex for about two months and interacted with local people. At first, I held a sheet-dyeing workshop in the central square that is surrounded by the 800 verandas of the housing complex. After the workshop, residents brought the sheets back home and hung them out to dry on their verandas.
当初は1日数枚ずつしか増えなかったのですが、プロジェクトへの理解と関心が高まるにつれ徐々に枚数は増え、会期終盤には地元自治会の協力も得て加速度的な広がりをみせ、劇的な景観の変化を遂げました。最終的には全800世帯中の約8割となる640世帯が参加しました。これは自治会登録者(800世帯中の6割)を超える参加数となりました。At the beginning of the project, the number of sheets increased by only one per day. However, as the understanding and interest increased, gradually more and more sheets were put out. In the closing days of the project, this action expanded rapidly with the support of the local government, and the look of the area changed dramatically. In the end, 640 of 800 households joined this project (about 80 percent of all households), and the number of participants was even more than the number of registered members of the local government (60 percent of 800 households).
当然、反対する住民の方もいました。プロジェクトは任意参加であるため、賛否あるかたちがそのままに見えるという意味では、シーツの枚数はアートプロジェクトへの関心のバロメーターであり、ひとつの側面における地域コミュニティの可視化に成功したといえます。なにより、住民同士の関係が希薄になった現代の集合住宅で、これだけの景観の変化を成し遂げたということは、同じ風景を見ようとする気持ちが重なった証です。それはこの集合住宅に暮らす住民にとって、ささやかな希望となったのではないでしょうか。Of course, there were some inhabitants who took objection to the project; however, the number of the sheets on the verandas directly communicated the degree of support as participation was voluntary. The number of sheets was a barometer of their interest, and I could say that the project succeeded in visualizing what local community is. Above all, the fact that we achieved such a tremendous change in the area’s appearance was because they held a shared feeling that they wanted to see this new view. This was in spite of the fact the project was held in a modern housing complex which are known for a weak sense of community among residents. It could become a bit of hope for the inhabitants.