TURNフェス【New Horizon】TURN FES [New Horizon]

東京都美術館(東京)/2015Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo/2015

〈New Horizon〉を形づくる藍色の糸は、クラフト工房La Manoで働くメンバーと共に染めたもの。メンバーからは「やすあきさん」と呼ばれ、藍染の仕事に携わりました。La Manoでは、木々に囲まれた古民家の中で、メンバー1人1人に合った作業を仕事にしながら、それぞれにその人らしく過ごすことを大切にしています。こうしたあり方に、新しい社会の片鱗を見て「なつかしい未来」を感じました。The indigo-colored threads which formed New Horizon were dyed together with people working at Handicraft Studio La Mano. They affectionately called me “Yasuaki-san” and involved me in indigo dyeing. At La Mano, inside an old house surrounded by woods, they placed an emphasis on spending time in a way that was authentic to them in order to make the work their own. Through this, I could glimpse a new society which felt like a “nostalgic future.”

数世紀前までは当たり前だった自然との共生や手仕事を実現しながら、人と人の関係性を既成概念にとらわれず紡いでいるような世界なのです。会話が通じなかったり誰もが最初は不慣れなコミュニケーションの世界に戸惑うかもしれません。それでも少しだけ勇気を持って、La Manoで見つけた新しい水平線に飛び込んでみると、いつもとは異なる景色が見えてくるかもしれません。They are living in a world as it existed until a few centuries ago, coexisting with the natural world and working with their hands. Free from notions of what human relations are supposed to be, they are able to “spin” a new world into existence. At first, people might be perplexed by communication in this world where conversation is frequently ineffective. However, if you have a little bit of courage to take a step into the new horizon at La Mano, you can uncover a landscape different from the ordinary.

会場での出来事What Happened at the Venue

フェス1日目。La Manoから数名のメンバーとスタッフが遊びに来てくれました。会場には作品の一部としてメンバーのUさんがいつも仕事で使っている糸巻き器を展示していました。糸巻き器は、工房の雰囲気を伝えるものであり、織りや染めなどLa Manoで行なわれている手仕事を象徴するものでもあります。ただ、もう一つねらいがあって、UさんがLa Manoで過ごす日常と同じように会場で糸を巻いてくれたら、とかすかに期待をしていました。そんな期待を知らずにUさんは訪れたのですが、会場に入ると自然と糸巻き器の前に座り、藍色に染まった美しい糸を慣れた手つきで巻きはじめました。くるくると糸が回ると、まるで止まっていた時間が動き出したかのように、La Manoの時間が流れはじめました。La Manoのメンバーが来てくれたことで、作品が完成した瞬間でした。The first day of TURN FES. Some members and staff from La Mano came to visit me. At the venue, the yarn ball winder, which a member named U-san always used in his work, was there on display. The winder is what communicated the atmosphere of the atelier, and together with hand-weaving and hand-dyeing threads of cotton yarn, they symbolized of the handiwork of La Mano. Still, there was one more purpose for this displayed yard ball winder—I slightly expected him to spin yarn at the venue like he does always at La Mano. He visited the venue without knowing that I expected this. As soon as he came there, he sat naturally in front of the winder and started spinning beautiful indigo-dyed yarn with a practiced hand. As the yarn started to spin, the time in La Mano began to move, as if stopped time had just started again. It was this moment when the visit of La Mano members completed the New Horizon project.

