碧朋亭Hekihou-tei Tea House

山かげ亭 太宰府天満宮所有(福岡)/2006Yamakagetei owned by Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, Fukuoka, Japan/2006

太宰府天満宮所有の住居、山かげ亭(旧長沼邸)敷地内にしつらえられた茶室に、ヨットで4カ月間かけて太平洋を4000km航海した時の記憶をもとに水平線を浮かび上がらせました。太宰府天満宮の宮大工・庭師らと協働し制作しました。In a tea house in Yamakagetei (formerly Naganumatei), owned by Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, I made a horizon appear which was based on my memories of a four-month voyage sailing 4,000 km by yacht on the Pacific. I made this work together with shrine carpenters and gardeners of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine.

茶室内の壁面には海色と空色に染められた和紙が貼られ、見渡す限りを海と空に囲まれた船上を想起させます。色合いに少しずつ変化をつけており、ちょうど座ったときの視線の高さに、空と海の境界線がぶつかるようになっていて、しばらく眺めていると徐々に水平線が浮かび上がるような感覚を覚えます。On the walls of the tea house, you could see Japanese paper, called washi, dyed the colors of the sea and the sky. This reminded me of when I was on a boat surrounded by the sea and the sky as far as my eyes could see. When you look at the walls for a while, you feel as if the horizon appears gradually. It is because there are some color gradations, and the borders of the sky and sea meet each other at the level of your eyes when you sit down.

太平洋の無風帯と茶室の共通点Common Feature Between Pacific Doldrums and Tea House

太平洋には無風帯と呼ばれる一帯があります。そこは風も波もなく水平線だけが広がる全てが止まったような世界でした。あまりに何の音もしないので小さく「あ」と声を出してみると、まるで反響するかのように大きく聞こえて、とても驚きました。どこまでも海と空が広がる開かれた空間にもかかわらず、小さな室内にいるような音の聞こえ方は、とても不思議な体験でした。In the Pacific Ocean, there is a calm zone called the doldrums. It was like a world where there was neither wind nor wave. There, only the horizon existed and I felt everything stop. Since it was too calm there, I uttered a sound, “Ah,” in a quiet voice. I was surprised because my voice sounded louder, like an echo. It was a really mysterious experience I sounded as if I were in a small room, even though it was such an open space with boundless expanses of the sea and sky.

帰国後、茶室に入ったとき、偶然声を出した瞬間、太平洋の無風帯で感じたあの音の記憶が蘇りました。こんどは逆に、室内にいるのに目の前に水平線が広がっているかのような錯覚を覚えました。この茶室の空間と太平洋の無風帯をつなぐ音の体験が制作のきっかけとなりました。おそらく太平洋の無風帯など知らない時代を生き、茶室の空間設計を作り上げていった先人たちは、閉じられているのに開かれているかのように人が感じる最適な空間を身体的感覚のみで導き出していたのかもしれません。Entering a tea house after my voyage, this memory of sound on the ocean came back to me. And then, completely opposite of this, it gave me an illusion that a horizon was spreading in front of me even though I was in a room. This experience of sound connecting the calm belt of the Pacific and the space of the tea house led me to this creation. Our predecessors, who designed spaces of tea houses, probably didn’t know about calm areas in the Pacific. However their own physical experiences led them to design such ideal spaces which were closed but felt open.

